Unlike other mediums, installation art allows the viewer to use more than one perceptional senses to experience the art piece. Installation art may allow the viewer to immerse themselves in the piece, using sight, touch, sound, smell, sometimes taste. Installations can sometimes be very powerful and overwhelming when it pulls the viewer in to the space that is created.



inside [1998 —Inside Out]

Inside Out was a statement of our busy and modern lives how we had became so accustomed to the unnatural and to the man made. A piece of the outside including an entire eco-system of bugs was placed in an office building where one normally sees potted and manicured plants. Even with a growing eco-system of moths, spider, and grass, the sodium vapor and fluorescents lamps mounted were constant reminders that it is all synthetic . With the biosphere built a decade before, we are reminded that nature cannot be tamed. In the end everything dies.

Sparklines [1997 —Blue Room ]

The question of self and the "other" has always been on one's mind. The text "Your life and everyone else's is nothing more than a sustained dream by a anonymous being" surrounds the viewer while bathed in a breath of light blue light in a breathing rhythm, alternating in to a amber light. The installation is set in a sterile white room with white floors, surrounding the entire length of the wall space are pickled fetal chickens almost looking in a state of sleep. Titled the Blue Room, ( as in a green room is where a performer uses as a waiting room) suggests a dream like reality in which one is waiting to wake up from.

Sparklines [1996 —Bright Idea]

Bright Idea was a series of light boxes etched with photo luminescent pigment. The image of a light bulb has always been an pop icon image of a great idea. Each box is lighted with a 40 watt bulb to instigate the ghost image of the next and previous box. The mechanism in which one comes to the great idea is parodied. A series of bright ideas coming in to being and fading into black.










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