A series of playful and humorous mix media print work, using the printmaking medium in a untraditional manner.



Sparklines [1996 —Surface Art]

(Mix media prints) Surface Art series is a series of prints dealing with the surface, material, and the superficial. The titles of the prints are a play on the prints themselves.

inside [1995 —The Three 'R's ]

(Screen print on aluminum plate) There is a misconception that sign language is an universal language, as art sometimes is consider a universal language. The idea of different people saying the same thing yet there is barrier in the different dialects and languages. This series of prints play with the universalness of conveying the idea. The playfulness of these print may be offensive to some while others may read as counting numbers.

Sparklines [1995 —Queen's Jubilee]

(Screen print on teabags) Around the time of the mid 90's, the English royal family were in a mist of scandal and turmoil. With the tabloids pumping stories out every day and rising rage of the british public, the question of whether one of the oldest monarchies will be brought down by a plague of scandals. This is a temporal print, printed on twinning tea bags. The act of one pouring hot water on the tea bags would vanquish the image of the queen into a cup of black tea. The queen fades off with the abundance of scandals and black tea leaves left behind in the teabag.










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